Monday, February 21, 2011

How to Maintain The Efficiency Of Your PC/Network Setup (part B)

To maintain the efficiency of a network setup we had discussed about three main steps Anti-virus, Proper Shutdown Procedure and backup. While carrying on this topic I will put some light on some other factors which will surely help you to work in a safer computerized environment. 

Some time the technical team ignores the backup plan for the failure of electricity, either because of non-habitual demand or some time by mistake. It is your duty to put your PC's or at-least the main/server machines on UPS so if there is a failure of electricity it will not effect the working of them. Its importance is already mentioned in previous post.

Regular Fragmentation and Check Disk run will help you to remove hard disk problems and also it will assist you with the speed of your PC. To Complete fragmentation you need more than 20% space in your drives to perform fragmentation and also if you have a hard disk almost filled up in every partition then it will surely decrease the performance of your operating system.
You need a network monitor to look after your network 24x7, in-case if any one try to break in to your network he/she would be able to block them or catch them before they do any thing in to your business Computer Networking.

These are some of the basic steps which not only make your machine run at there maximum but also it will help you to work in a safe environment.

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